Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"You Stink"

A few months ago Mother started to smell something coming out of Evil Shorty's room. I didn't smell it until a few days later. Phew! It smelled like something had died in her room. Mother had been yelling at Shorty for days, "Something smells in your room." As usual Shorty just ignored her. When I finally smelled the foul odor, I nicely said to Evil Shorty, "Shorty, something smells bad in your room." Shorty just nodded at me and slithered back into her room. A few hours later, I was on my computer and Evil Shorty started slowly shuffling my way. I glanced up and thought, "Oh shit." Shorty gave me her evil stare and ordered me to come into her room and show her what was stinking. Shorty's room is a mess. It's filled with plastic bags and useless magazine articles she's cut out her whole life. Most of the articles are about improving your relationships. She makes copies of them to give to other people who she thinks need help with their personalities. I looked around Evil Shorty's room and through some bags. Nothing. Evil Shorty pointed her crooked finger at me and growled, "You can't find nothin' huh? Maybe it's you. You stink. You're probably smelling yourself." I kept my composure and said, "Well Mother smells it too." Shorty yelled back at me, "Well then your mother stinks too." My poor husband overheard Shorty's diatribe, walked into her room, and searched through all her crap until he found some old meat buried in one of her plastic bags. Shorty looked up at him and said, "I don't smell anything." My husband pushed the bag close to her long, jetting nose and said, "Smell it now?" Shorty closed her door after Kevin threw away the decomposing meat. She didn't come out of her room all night. We had peace for a while after that incident.

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